SuperH-based fx calculators
fx, miniSDK

The manufacturer did not release a SDK for the fxCG-series, yet.

The base of any SDK would be a library, which contains at least the most important syscalls.
To minimize the resulting G3A-codesize every syscall should be assembled in a separate module.

It is possible to use ASMSH, SHC/SHCPP and OPTLNK of the old fx-9860G SDK to build the necessary binaries. Furthermore an appropriate G3A-Header has to be constructed.

Building a G3A-Header:
The short int at 0x16 has been suspected to be a CRC. Anyhow, it is not heeded for by the fxCG20-OS.
The other fields (checksums, checkbytes, filesizes, names) must be set properly. Otherwise the G3A will not show up in the MAIN MENU. Of course, the icons should be changed. These are 92x64 pixel images. Every pixel is a 16 bit (RGB:5:6:5) word representing the color.

This helpfile is included in a toolkit (miniSDK), which contains every information to build a G3A, based on C.

Since version 1.04 there are two possibilities to invoke the build-process. Either you can use the console mode by starting CurrentProject.cmd or use the GUI pCGSDK.exe to manage and build a project. Most probably pCGSDK.exe is more convenient.
Since version 1.05 the console tol is not included any more.

An editor is not included. It is recommended to use some syntax highlighting editor, f. i. Notepad++.

Under normal circumstances it could be sufficient to build G1As the fx-9860G/GII-series with the CASIO SDK.
On the other hand it would be reasonable to work with a unified system.
Above that, the new GII-2 models have a 7305-MPU.
Hence, the miniSDK had to be extended.

To build a G1A-Header: set the members as documented.

Getting started

adding new syscalls
multi source
Special aspects concerning fx-9860GII-2 (USB POWER GRAPHIC 2)

(18.05.2012 17:15:38)