Offset (b) | Size (b) | Description |
0 | 8 | File identifier: “USBPower” |
8 | 1 | File type identifier |
9 | 5 | {0x00, 0x10, 0x00, 0x10, 0x00} |
0xE | 1 | Control byte: (LSB of filesize (at offset 0x13)) + 0x41 |
0xF | 1 | 0x01 |
0x10 | 4 | Total file size as unsigned integer, big endian format |
0x14 | 1 | Control byte: (LSB of filesize (at offset 0x13)) + 0xB8 |
0x15 | 9 | Unknown purpose (maybe 4-alignment), appears insignificant |
0x1E | 2 | Number of objects contained, if file is of type G1M or G1R |
0x20 | ... | Subheader depending on particular file type |
Known file types are:
0xF3 Addin
0x31 General MCS memory file
0x49 E-Activity
Addin subheader
Addin subheader fields
Offset (b) | Size (b) | Description |
0x20 | 8 | “Internal” name, on the form “@APPNAME” |
0x2B | 1 | Number of estrips |
0x30 | 0xA | Version on the form “01.23.4567”, first 5 bytes appear in MAIN MENU SYSTEM VERSION |
0x3C | 0xE | Creation date on the form “YYYY.MMDD.HHMM” |
0x4C | 0x44 | A 30×17 pixel menu icon bitmap. Logical “1” is black, “0” is white“ |
0x1D4 | 8 | Program title. Appears in MAIN MENU SYSTEM VERSION |
0x1F0 | 4 | Filesize as unsigned long, big endian. |
0x200 | . . . | Addin code |
The CASIO SDK expects 30x19 bw BMP-files. The first and last line are omitted, when a G1A is assembled.
(18.05.2012 17:16:11)