SuperH-based fx calculators
fx-CG, miniSDK, getting started

The miniSDK has been tested with
WINDOWS XP Home Edition Version 2002 SP 3
WINDOWS 7 Home Premium 64bit

The console tool "CurrentProject.cmd" is not longer supported!

Getting started

Copy the content of the miniSDK to any empty directory, where the connected user has write access.
Copy all files of your fx9860G SDK's BIN directory (..\fx-9860G SDK\OS\SH\BIN) into the BIN directory of the miniSDK.
Copy the fx9860G_library.lib of your fx9860G SDK (..\fx-9860G SDK\OS\FX\lib) into the BIN directory of the miniSDK.
Copy setup.obj of your fx9860G SDK (..\fx-9860G SDK\OS\FX\lib) into the BIN directory of the miniSDK.
Copy the filebios.h, builtin.h and smachine.h of your fx9860G SDK (..\fx-9860G SDK\OS\FX\include) into the header directory of the miniSDK. The mini-SDK uses an own version of stdlib.h. Do not overwrite this with the fx9860G SDK's one.

Start pCGSDK.exe out of the TOOL-subdirectory of the miniSDK.

Select File - Open project from the main menu.
Open the project file INSIGHT.INI from the projects subdirectory.
Now the program will complain about a SDK's base directory mismatch and propose to change the directory assignment.
Answer "Yes", if you don't mind.

Next step:

Now select File - Full Setup from the main menu.
Push the Save-button. This creates the project-scripts (PRJ-files).

Now select File - Build binaries from the main menu (or simply hit F9).
The program will possibly complain about a missing directory, if you invoke this function the first time. Let the program create the missing directories.
Now the program should create the libraries and the G3A, which you will find in the projects directory ..

Creating a new project

Open an existing project (preferable DEFAULT.INI) and
select File - Save project as from the main menu.

Enter the name (max. eight characters) of the new project

Continue at  Next step (see above).

Change the main menu icons of your G3A

Select File - Full Setup from the main menu.
Select the Project misc tab.
In the property editor Bind options select the value-cell of the key Selected icon and hit the ellipsis button to the right of the cell.
An Open-File-Dialog should occur, where you can select an appropriate bitmap (92x64; 256 colors).
Do the same with the property Unselected icon.
Do not forget to save your changes with the Save-button, which will update the corresponding project scripts.


Nothing happens when hitting F9 or using the menuitem "Build binaries": if any menuitem, except "Open Project" is dimmed out, then open a project. Projects are INI-files located in the projects-directory of the mini-SDK.

After opening a project, when hitting F9 or using the menuitem "Build binaries", the program complains about missing the fx9860G_library.lib: copy fx9860G_library.lib.

The program complains about a missing PRJ-file: select Full Setup and save.

"Full setup save" complains about missing files: Copy all files of your fx9860G SDK's BIN directory.

"Full setup save" complains about missing *.h-files: Copy *..h-files.

"Full setup save" complains about missing setup.obj: Copy setup.obj.

(24.03.2012 06:04:54)