SuperH-based fx calculators
fx legacy PRGM file format

Filetype in the non-inverted StandardHeader is 0x31


Offset (b) Size (b) Description
0x20 0x10 main_ID ("PROGRAM"; zero padded)
0x30 4 MCS_SubItemCount; usually 1
0x34 8 MCS_DIRNAME ("system"; zero padded)
0x3C 8 MCS_ITEMNAME (FILENAME without extension; zero padded)
0x44 1 MCS_DirType (0x01)
0x45 4 MCS_DataLength (EOF - 0x4C); depends on the program-size; 4-aligned; hint: the datatype "int" fails because of bad alignment
0x49 3 Unknown purpose (maybe 4-alignment), appears insignificant
0x4C 8 password
0x54 2 { 0, 0 }
0x56 ... program

(12.05.2012 07:15:46)