Resets the RTC, if mode!=0 all registers are set to zero.
Reads the consistent time into hour, minute, second
and millisecond, resp.. The function repeats automatically when a carry
occurs. milliseconds is only as exact as the 1/128 second base-tick
Returns 1/128 second ticks. The count restarts at zero after midnight.
start_value has to be set with RTC_GetTicks.
duration_in_ms is the duration, which has to elapse since
returns 0 if duration_in_ms has not elapsed yet
returns 1 if duration_in_ms has elapsed
Advantage: the routine does not block!
Special care has to be taken, when start_value has been set before
midnight and RTC_Elapsed_ms is called after midnight, because RTC_GetTicks
restarts at zero after midnight.
resets alarm flag and enables alarm interrupt.
Sets the RTC time.
timestr[0] and timestr[1]: year in BCD (f. i. 0x20 0x08)
timestr[2]: month in BCD (f. i. 0x03)
timestr[3]: day in BCD (f. i. 0x02)
timestr[4]: hour in BCD (f. i. 0x19)
timestr[5]: minute in BCD (f. i. 0x47)
timestr[6]: second in BCD (f. i. 0x03)
Day of week is set to zero.
(14.03.2011 13:32:22)