FX-9860G 363-74: Spansion S29JL032H-70-T-F-I-02 (datasheet^)
The same flash-chip is installed on the slim, the fx-9860GII and the fx-9750GII.
FX-7400GII: Spansion S29AL016J-70-T-F-I-02 (2 MB)
Flash-memory is accessed between 0x80000000 and 0x803FFFFF.
1.03 | Type | Description |
0x80000334 | char[4] | "CDHD"-type signature, see below |
0x80006551 | char[0x400] | bitmap displayed, when the calcs waits for an emergency OS update |
0x80006951 | char[0x400] | bitmap displayed, when the calcs does an emergency OS update |
0x80006FE0 | char[0x400] | a second power off bitmap; obviously unused |
0x8000FFB0 | char[14] | bootcode timestamp; YYYY.MMDD.HHMI |
0x8000FFD0 | char[8] | seems to be distinct on every single calc; maybe a kind of serial number; contains zeros on the SDK emulator |
0x8000FFFC | int | base ROM checksum (0x80000000-0x800002FF;0x80000340-0x8000FFBF or 0x80000000-0x8000FFBF with bootcode-timestamp below 2005.0623.1652) |
0x8015826C | char[0x400] | bitmap displayed, when the calc does a power off |
0x80200000 | char[0x000130] | some code for manipulating flash memory, similar to the flash-syscalls code |
0x80200130 | char[0x02FED0] | non-English language data |
0x80230000 | char[0x030000] | main memory backup area |
0x80260000 | char[0x010000] | nearly empty; in the last few bytes it holds the available languages directory |
0x80270000 | char[0x320] | storage memory sector-directory |
0x80270320 | char[0xFCE0] | storage memory file-directory |
0x80280000 | char[0x180000] | storage memory file-data |
The four chars at 0x80000334 are 0xFFFFFFFF on most machines.
On some they are "CDHD". Obviously "CDHD" signals the absence of the backup
battery on a standard FX9860.
They influence the applied
voltage warning level
and the applied
contrast value table.
(10.03.2011 13:12:53)