Most of the fx legacy
Setup applies to the fx CG Setup, too. The CG Setup has space for 200
Returns the value at the given index. Only
indexes in range 0..199 access valid entries, but no checking is done.
Sets the entry at the given index to the
provided setting. Only indexes in range 0..199 access valid entries,
but no checking is done.
Will return a pointer to the base of the Setup table.
Returns a pointer to the actual data in the setup table
0x161C: int Setup_GetInfo(unsigned char*P1, int P2, TSetupInfo*P3);
This call seems to be the single possibility to read the size of the setup-area.
P1 has to be the zero-terinated text "SETUP".
P2 has to be zero.
is a pointer to a struct like:
typedef struct {
unsigned char
Name1[13]; // will be set to "SETUP.g1m" on return
unsigned char
Name2[9]; // will be set to "$GLOBAL" on return
unsigned char
Name3[10]; // will be set to "SETUP" on return
unsigned int LengthOfSetup
unsigned short unknown; // 0x8038
} TSetupInfo;
(06.10.2012 14:29:55)